Thursday 14 May 2015

The Self Harming Bride

On the way home from the school-run, a thought dropped into my heart...

"Jesus doesn't want a self-harming bride..."

It gripped me, it challenged me...and the more I considered it, the greater the challenge.

I'm no theologian but one of the great truths I know is that Jesus LOVES His bride, the Church! He adores her, He is passionate about her and He has died for her. One day, He will return and claim her.  He will present His bride to His Father...and He doesn't want a self-harming bride! The bride, He has been promised, is radiant. Beautiful.  Sadly, there are times when I fear The Church is a far cry from radiance and much more familiar with self-harm.

At many times, The Church has wounded herself, judged herself, and divided her members.  Too often The Church has held anger and resentment, that has spilled out into relationships, communities and the national press.

So, what is the remedy? The cure? The treatment that will restore the Bride's radiance and beauty?

Remember first the harm Jesus submitted to, for the sake of His bride. The church no longer need endure the pain of futile ways. This leads to joyful surrender to the Bridegroom's teaching, love, compassion and the Bride walks out (and works out) her courtship.

This can be applied on two levels.  Primarily, the individual must remember their first love and what He calls them.  Loved. Accepted. Chosen.  Do not self despise, self criticise.  Worship Jesus, seek after Him first and He will transform ashes into beauty.  Sisters, the snare of compare must be resisted.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Brothers, do not judge others harshly. Remember the grace you have received, and so freely give it to others.  Don't allow the old,  hard hearted ways to rob you of the joy of loving and being loved by the Saviour. Please Church, let us not forget our first love.

Corporately, The Church must respond and guard herself against self harm.  Submit to the authority of scriptures and God-appointed leaders. We are free to work out our salvation, to question, to ponder - but this is at it's most constructive (and least harmful) when it is within the context of GLAD submission to Jesus.  When we start to loudly question biblical truth, or slander others when they do, the Bride of Christ is self-harming. When The Church dismisses those who she doesn't understand or holds in contempt people she fears, the Bride of Christ is self-harming.

With some scars, it is easy to find their the belly that has been swollen to the point of bursting with new life.  Or life saving, life changing surgery.  The scars from self-harm CAN speak a louder word...they can speak of redemption, restoration.  But that all depends on how The Church tends to her wounds...and responds to her saviour.