Sunday 31 October 2010

Wow...long time, no posts!

So, no posts for such a long time.  I hadn't realised just how long it has been.  I've reconnected with family life!  Much has been achieved.  New frontiers explored.  Peace restored.  Life with 2 under 3 is going well.

During the radio silence The Stamps have seen some good changes.  We have introduced a new discipline tool for Bean, that is yielding positive results!  We have introduced solids to Pea!  The homestead is more under control & a relaxing place to be - it had become a dump & run zone as I tried to live life at break neck speed!

Dear hubby is entering a new phase in his career that is throwing up some great challenges.

I have reclaimed control of my domain! I will fill you in over the next couple of days...

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