Wednesday 3 November 2010

Encourage one another into doing good...

So, I can't quite find the reference for this - but I'm sure it's a biblical principle!  The thing is, not too long ago Dear Hubby & I realised that Bean needed some encouragement.  For too long now all she has heard is...don't do that to Pea!  Shush, Pea's asleep!  Don't do that!  Stop!  No!  Don't!

Bean has a very kind & generous heart.  She's not malicious by nature.  She hasn't been doing anything that is naughty.  She has been a two-year-old, adjusting to life with a little sister.  And all she has heard is NO!  I know I wouldn't respond very well to that.  We want to encourage our children to do good works, to have kind & gentle hearts.  We don't want to exasperate them into rebellion. 

Reality is though...we have a vulnerable little person living with us now.  Bean needs instructing, so that Pea comes to no harm from her big sisters enthusiastic attention.  How to balance these 2 things?

Well, in addition to our other discipline tools, we are now using a reward system!  Hopefully this will inspire Bean to do good... In Bean's bedroom now hangs a reward chart, where she gets stickers for achieving certain goals that Dear Hubby & I agreed on.  When the chart is full...Bean gets a surprise present.  One that is all wrapped & looked after by Pea!

I know that this is not a new idea in raising children.  The revelation, for us though, was to encourage Bean to doing good.  To inspire her to keep self-control & make good choices in her heart.  The tool reminds all of us to look for the good in Bean...and stop focusing on the No's & Don't's.  I needed the reminder as much as anything! 

The results...3 weeks in we're already 2 presents down.  Bean & I are enjoying a more loving relationship.  Bean & Dear Hubby are loving hanging out.  Pea & Bean - they've always been good!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one :) So much more like the heart of our Father! Way to raise those beauties in grace ;)
