Wednesday 29 September 2010

Life interrupted...

This time last week I was happily going about the Stamp Family daily routine.  Pea was due a weigh-in with the Health Visitor.  Nothing special, just she hadn't been weighed for a month.  So, off we all trundled. I had no concerns.  But, to cut a long story short...Pea hadn't gained nearly enough weight since the last weigh in.  The Health Visitor was concerned.  I very quickly became concerned.  Pea - was happy, kicking about and chatting away to herself!  The Health Visitor wanted formula feeds added in.

You'll remember, we had previously tried this.  Before, it was our own idea to try "topping up" after a breast feed.  We'd given up because Pea wasn't interested, so it wasn't making a difference.  But now, it wasn't our choice.  And we're not just talking about top-ups.  We're talking about whole feeds.  My heart broke!  We could still breast feed, just not 100%.  Like Bean had.

Painful emotions mixed together - I'll spare you a glimpse into the full, hormone fuelled, catalogue of emotions.  Feeling sad sums it up!

On a practical note, Dear Hubby started bottle feeding.  He has taught our girl well.  She is taking good amounts of milk, a few times a day.  If you're a breastfeeding mum and you need to add in formula feeds...get Daddy to start it!  It will head off any fights, you may have, at the pass! And really does make it easier all around!  It also has the added bonus of being lovely for Dad to get a hand in with feeding too!

Dear Hubby has also been very wise!  He is gently helping me to let go.  Encouraging me to see this as a new opportunity to shepherd (or guide) our daughter, according to her needs.  Dear Hubby reminds me that Pea is different to Bean.  We want to rejoice in & celebrate this.  Both our girls are unique.  So they each need to be "grown" in a way that is unique to them.  So, Bean was breastfed 100%.  Pea needs something different. 

As a mum, I know that my job is to serve my girls.  So, this means that I should shelve my desire to fully breastfeed and give the child a bottle!  It's what she needs.  It isn't going to harm her.  It will probably do some good!  I'll keep you posted on how the mixed feeding goes...

P.S. If you see any weirdness on my blog - please excuse!  I made the grand mistake of leaving myself logged in.  Bean got to the laptop before I realised what I'd done.  I can't see any nearly-3-year-old type entries...but you never know!!!


  1. I did mixed feeding and still managed to breast feed a little up untill K was 9 months (and I was back at work full time from 4 months!). It is hard to accept to start with, but when they are thriving, you know it's for the best.

  2. Wow - thanks Lou. That's really good to know. I can't believe you managed feeding whilst working full time! X

  3. Yes, turned the medical room into a milking parlour!!! ;-)
