Monday 6 September 2010

Them the!

So, I took the liberty of adding 1 final the words of the great Take That...

Rule #5: "Have a little patience..."

These rules don't produce instant results.  Pea took a couple of extra weeks to sleep through than Bean.  But our daily routine was established all the same.  The rules are more for my know where I'm at.  To ensure that in the sleep deprived haze, I am fully meeting my daughters needs.

Each baby is different too.  It took me a while to work out that Pea wasn't thriving on the regular 3 hourly Eat, Wake, Sleep cycle that Bean loved.  Bean was having 4 1/2 hours of daytime sleep until quite a late age...Pea barely has 3 1/2 hours!  And the length of sleep they take at each part of the day is SO different.  Without a little patience I wouldn't have been able to respond to their individual needs.

We believe that our jobs as parents is to shepherd...or guide our children.  This begins from Day 1.  We never want to enforce our will upon them.  But we want to shape & influence them.  These rules help me to guide them through each day.  I would never force my will upon them...but I'm the grown up.  I know what they need.  I know what is best for them.  They need our guidance & care.  By guiding them from Day 1, hopefully, as they grow, they will remain open to our guidance.  So as teenagers, they will continue to look to us to lead them, and resist rebellion.  As young adults, they will ask our opinion & seek our advice and prevent ruin.  But this all requires me to...have a little patience!

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