Monday 16 August 2010


We had 3 blissful, full night sleeps last week! Someone even complimented me on looking "so fresh" for a mum of 2!!!

Trouble is I've worked out what brought on this treat...some friends (knowing my penchant for fruits of the vineyard) gave me some LOVELY wine for my birthday. Last week, said wine was enjoyed, on 3 nights. Yep, I did the math. Wine = sleep!

Here's my temptation...I could abuse this knowledge.

So desperate for sleep am I that I am tempted to indulge. Every night. Problem is dear hubbie doesn't like a drink, as much as I do. So, I would be drinking alone. Not a good habit (for me) to develop. Poor Pea, must also be getting a hit. If I indulged am I setting her up for a bad habit too? Will she wake with a fuggy head, after a I've enjoyed my vino? I can't be sure.

What am I going to do? Go back to my rules! Work on reducing the feed in the middle of the night! And have a glass of wine when I want one!

On another note...dear hubbie took Bean to the airport, to look at planes today! He did have to collect someone too - they weren't just plane spotting! Dear hubbie has the travel bug at the moment. He's reading a fantastic book by Rob Lilwall, Cycling Home from Siberia. We're raising our girls to (eventually) leave us. Be independent. Today, my girl's world just got a little bigger. Shame she was disappointed with the planes...she was a tad confused that they were much bigger than the ones in the sky! She eventually made sense of it. Lying in the garden, gazing up at the sky..."look Daddy, a tiny plane!"

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